My interest in photography started at a young age, with me sneaking into my dad's closet to play with his "real" camera, a Nikon F. I loved how I had control over what was in focus and what wasn't. Through the lens of the camera, I began to see the world in a whole different way.
After years of a point and shoot cameras, my husband bought me my first camera. A film Pentax SLR. I was so excited! I have since upgraded to a digital SLR, Canon Rebel XTi. I may shoot digital, but I keep it raw-Straight Out Of Camera (SOOC). I rarely use any digital enhancements. Yes, I have been known to give a photo a little bit more of 'pop' and brighten eyes and a smile, but 99.9% of the time it is SOOC. What you see is what you get. My favorite 100% film shooter, Jonathan Canlas said it best: "Every once in a while I'll mess with levels and curves (referring to photoshop), but I'm not running actions on my images. I love straight forward honest photography. I am not into actions and I feel they may be the new selective color very soon if they are not already. " (Taken from his his interview with Fuel Photography).
I love being able to capture the smile of a child and the love of a family. The thing with photography is that you capture that moment and years from now you can look at that image and remember how you felt. I love being able to create those type of memories for my clients.